

The college has a well equipped Educational Technology Lab. The lab has sufficient number of overhead projectors, LCD projectors, slide projectors, Epidiascopes, CCTV, Transparencies and Slides etc.

Computer Lab

Computer is plays an important role in today’s world. The prospective teachers are provided facilities for using computer with internet facilities. The institute has a well equipped computer lab.


Educational Psychology Lab

The institution has enough number of standardized tests and manuals which helps in providing practical knowledge to the prospective teachers. It includes various types of tests like test related to intelligence, Job satisfaction scale, value test for guidance

Science Lab

Science lab has sufficient number of different type of charts, instruments, apparatuses, specimens, microscopes which helps the students to demonstrate practical that helps them to make subject matter more clear.



The institute has arranged for well equipped library with all modern facilities. There are 9,900 books, 1500 reference book and journals. There is well furnished and spacious reading room with 100 students seating capacity of reading room.

Library Deatils